Tooth Extraction in Colorado Springs, CO
Your One Stop Dental Private Practice in Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Tooth Extraction by Dr. Seth Kimmelman
A dental tooth extraction is an area of dentistry where Dr. Seth Kimmelman excels. He executes the numbing and removal with uncommon ease, ensuring the patient is always as comfortable as possible during the procedure.If you are considering a replacement for the missing tooth with a dental implant after an extraction, a bone graft might be necessary. The bone graft can make the difference between being able to easily place an implant later or not having enough bone space to place an implant at all.
Common Reasons You May Need a Tooth Extraction in Colorado Springs:
- Impacted or painful wisdom teeth requiring extraction
- Severe gum disease where the teeth may become loose
- Previously treated root canal tooth that has cracked
- Orthodontic purposes to make room for adjacent teeth
- Severe tooth decay or fractured teeth to the point of non-repair
Post-Op Recommendations and What to Expect After a Tooth Extraction
The recovery period varies for everyone but generally only lasts a few days. The following tips will help keep you comfortable in the days following an extraction:
- Do not spit, suck through a straw, or smoke for the first 24-48 hours after the procedure
- Keep firm pressure on the gauze for approximately 30 minutes
- Limit strenuous activity for 24 hours following the extraction
- Apply a cold compress to your face in the area of the extraction
- Stay away from foods that will break up into chunks, e.g., nuts & chips
After the healing process, it is best to replace the missing tooth with a dental implant or dental bridge. This will allow you to:
- Prevent the adjacent and opposing teeth from shifting – seeking the next tooth to occlude on
- Preserve the alignment of your teeth and bite
- Restore your speaking and chewing ability
- Maintain your bone and facial structure, preventing a wrinkled or sunken facial appearance from missing teeth
Call our office at the first sign of any discomfort and do not postpone your visit. Contact One Stop Dental to schedule an appointment with Dr. Seth Kimmelman for a dental check-up today! Remember that prevention is key in treating dental conditions before they turn into more serious, permanently damaging problems.